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Difference Between Heat Exchangers and Interchanger

Heat exchangers and interchanger
The design and function of a heat exchanger and an interchanger differ significantly. While heat exchangers regulate temperature through direct fluid heat transfer, cooling in interchangers is typically achieved using refrigeration units in chiller systems.

Exchanger Heat

An apparatus used for heat recovery, transferring heat between two fluids without direct contact. They are crucial in various industries for efficient energy use.
Heat Interchanger
Heat Interchanger

Heat Interchanger

Used in the commercial refrigeration industry for enhancing performance or solving specific problems. These devices have been used for years, often without deep consideration of their theoretical or practical principles.

Differences in Application and Function


Heat Exchanger



Transfers heat between two fluids

Enhances performance in refrigeration systems


Direct fluid heat transfer

Uses refrigeration units for cooling

Common Uses

Industrial processes, power plants, chemical processing

Refrigeration systems, particularly in commercial settings

Core Components

Often involves specialized boiler tubes, such as ASTM A106 and ASME SA106 pipes

Includes ASTM A106 and ASME SA106 pipes for efficient heat exchange

Effects on System

Increases efficiency by recovering heat

Improves system performance by regulating suction gas temperature and liquid subcooling

Sizing Considerations

Must be appropriately sized to avoid pressure drop or overheating

Must balance size to ensure effective heat exchange without negative impact on system

Conventional Application

In refrigeration systems, almost all benefit from a heat exchanger if it is properly sized. The heat exchanger should not be undersized, which can cause suction side pressure drop, nor oversized, which can result in high suction superheat and discharge temperature.

Increasing the Suction Gas Temperature

Refrigeration compressors are rated at suction gas temperatures above freezing point. Heat extracted from the evaporator achieves this rating. However, in low-temperature applications, the evaporator might not meet this requirement, causing a potential shortfall in compressor rating and system capacity. A heat interchanger can help restore or slightly increase system evaporator capacity by superheating the suction gas and subcooling the refrigerant liquid.

Classification of Heat Exchangers

  1. Direct Transfer Type: Hot and cold fluids are separated by a metal wall through which heat transfers. Example: shell and tube heater.
  2. Storage Type: A hot fluid heats a porous solid, then a cold fluid extracts heat from the solid. This type is not common in the pharmaceutical industry.
  3. Direct Contact: Hot and cold fluids are not physically separated. Example: steam bubbles through a cold liquid.

Solitaire Steel is a leading supplier, stockist, manufacturer, and exporter of ASTM A106 pipe. Contact us for the best rates and availability. 


Heat exchangers and heat interchangers facilitate heat transfer between different fluids and are widely used in industrial processes for heating, cooling, and enhancing energy efficiency.
In a heat exchanger, heat is transferred between hot and cold fluids through a solid wall, often involving process streams or independent heat/refrigeration sources. Heat transfer, in general, can degrade over time due to corrosion, deposits, or organic growths.
Heat exchangers are used to transfer heat energy between two mediums without mixing them, effectively heating or cooling through conduction. For example, they keep car engines cool by transferring excess heat away from the engine to the coolant.


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